Anna Hartley is an Australian writer.

She has lived in Paris and Beijing since 2011.

Her work has been published in The Washington Post, France 24, Forbes Travel Guide, The Houston Chronicle, The New Zealand Herald, The Vancouver Sun, the Beijinger, and Babbel Magazine.

"Wheels of Fortune" - riding around Greece on a wooden bike

"Wheels of Fortune" - riding around Greece on a wooden bike

Published in PrimoLife Magazine June 2017

In September 2016, I rode a wooden bike for 3 days through Athens and the Greek Islands. Jump in the saddle with me and explore this magnificent landscape in this most unusual way. 

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The Ultimate Paris Marathon Spectator Guide

The Ultimate Paris Marathon Spectator Guide

Watching the Paris Marathon isn't easy, even for a local. I was rushed, unprepared and even had to take a cab at one point. *shame*

Yet loads of people come to Paris from out of town to watch, so with this in mind, I've designed the perfect user-friendly Ultimate Paris Marathon Spectator Route. 

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Anna's Adventures: Rock climbing in the Portuguese wilderness

Anna's Adventures: Rock climbing in the Portuguese wilderness

Published in PRIMOLife Magazine November 2015

I’m in a tough position and I can’t see a way out. My chalky fingertips are pressed hard into the rock. The knot at my waist grates against the wall, and my legs are zinging with tension. I look like a ninja mid fly-kick, splattered against the front of an unyielding cliff. It seems that every muscle in my body is flexed, straining to keep me perched in this unlikely position, and I’m burning energy fast. My right leg begins to ‘Elvis’, shake uncontrollably under the pressure and I know I have to make a move soon. I really, really don’t want to fall.

Rock climbing in the wilderness is well, exactly as tough as it looks.

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(un petit) Tour de France: Riding From Paris to le Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte

(un petit) Tour de France: Riding From Paris to le Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte

One of the hazards of being a bike guide is that lots of your friends will also be bike guides, and will invite you to go on crazy rides to strange places with very little planning.

It's awful. 

Last month, we went to the Vaux le Vicomte estate, 41km from Paris as the crow flies. 

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Punch Drunk Love: A Woman's (Beginner) Guide To Boxing

Punch Drunk Love: A Woman's (Beginner) Guide To Boxing

This is the extended version of a short article called 'Face Value' which appears in the April 2014 issue of Primo Life magazine. While I am still new to the sweet science, these are some of the tips I've put together from my own experience, and from chatting to other women. It is far from a definitive guide, and as such I’d welcome any additional comments or tips you might have. This entry is focused towards female boxers, but many of the principles are universal to beginners.

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Surf's Up: In Which I Wipe Out, Drink Salt Water And Fall In Love With Surfing

Surf's Up: In Which I Wipe Out, Drink Salt Water And Fall In Love With Surfing

Published in PRIMOLife Magazine April 2015

I clear salt water out of my nose for the thousandth time, spit out a mouthful of sand and look around. My fellow beginners are in varying stages of surf: some unsteadily getting on their feet, some lying flat on their bellies, cruising in the whitewash, some wading back out into the line of breakers.

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The Sweet Science: Learning To Box, And To Take It On The Chin

The Sweet Science: Learning To Box, And To Take It On The Chin

Getting punched in the face is a weird feeling. Punching someone in the face is also a weird feeling, particularly when you aren’t angry or in danger. These were just two of the many things I learned when I began to box. In an era when One Punch deaths dominate news headlines and we drink ginger tea to boost our mental performance, boxing is generally seen as old fashioned, barbaric and downright smelly. This is a great shame, because as a comprehensive cardio and strength training workout, combined with discipline, strategy, and combat, it is one of the most rewarding and thrilling sports I’ve ever done.

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Derby World

Derby World

Changing derby leagues isn’t always as simple as dropping a Facebook message to your new team,  rocking up with your skates and slotting into your accustomed position on the track.  An expatriated player herself, Cat Cholera interviews two globe-trotting former Perth Roller Derby  players, Dame Edna Haemorrhage and Lorrae Evans, exploring the ins and outs of changing countries,  languages and cultures to play roller derby around the world.

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Transform-Hers: Roller Derby, Cyborgs and The Future of Female

Transform-Hers: Roller Derby, Cyborgs and The Future of Female

Modern-day Perth, or Melbourne, or Townsville may be a long way from Blade Runner’s futuristic Los Angeles, but they do have one thing in common with that grim metropolis: replicant-like cyborg women are roaming the streets amongst the unsuspecting townsfolk, changing their parts, redecorating their chassis’ and gathering in ritualised meetings. Driving their bodies and minds further and further in pursuit not of survival, but of glory.

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